

Monarch notes

データ種別 図書
出版情報 New York : Monarch Press
本文言語 und


1 Charles Dickens' A tale of two cities / Henry I. Hubert New York : Monarch Press , c1964
2 Charles Dickens' Hard times / Paul M. Ochojski New York : Monarch Press , c1966
3 The poetry of Robert Frost / John David Sweeney, James Lindroth New York : Monarch Press , 1965
4 Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and the mysterious stranger life on the Mississippi / Charles Leavitt New York : Monarch Press , c1966
5 Joseph Conrad's The heart of darkness and The secret sharer / James Weiss New York : Monarch , c1966
6 . Literature notes ; 736 Walt Whitman's Leaves of grass / Randall Keenan New York : Monarch , c1965
7 Willa Cather's My Antonia and o pioneers! ; the song of the lark ; one of ours ; death comes for the archbishop : a critical commentary / Joan T. Nourse and Robin Fleisig New York : Monarch Press , c1979
8 William Faulkner's Light in August : a critical commentary / Leslie Shepard New York : Monarch Press , c1965
9 501 Homer's Iliad / David Sider and David Konstan ; ed. by Stanley Brodwin New York : Monarch Press , 1963
10 502 Homer's Odyssey / David Sider ; rev. by Jane Wexford and Gareth Schmeling New York : Monarch Press , 1963
11 510 Dante's Divine comedy / Jules Gelernt New York : Monarch , c1966
12 511 Chaucer's Canterbury tales / Joseph E. Grennen New York : Monarch Press , c1964
13 512 Edmund Spenser's The faerie queene, and other works / William J. Grace New York : Monarch , c1963
14 513 John Milton's Paradise lost and other works / Marian Seldin Burkhart New York : Monarch Press , [1966]
15 514 Shakespeare's Hamlet / Leonora Brodwin New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
16 515 Shakespeare's King Lear / Robert Schuettinger New York : Monarch Press , 1966
17 516 Shakespeare's Macbeth / Arthur Gewirtz ; revised and edited by Leonora Brodwin New York : Monarch Press , c1965
18 517 Dostoyevsky's Crime and punishment : a critical commentary / John D. Simons New York : Monarch Press , c1976
19 521 Goethe's Faust / Paul Montgomery ; rev. and ed. by James R. Lindroth and Colette Lindroth New York : Monarch Press , c1966
20 527 The philosophy of rene descartes / Leo C. Daley New York : Monarch Press , c1965
21 531 The philosophy of locke and hobbes / Sugwon Kang New York : Monarch Press , c1965
22 534 The philosophy of Nietzsche : Beyond good and evil, The birth of tragedy, The genealogy of morals, Thus spake Zarathustra / Stanley V. McDaniel New York : Monarch Press , c1965
23 536 Jean-Jacques Rousseau and The 18th-century political philosophers / Margaret Loftus Ranald New York : Monarch , c1965
24 537 The writings of Saint Augustine / Leo C. Daley New York : Monarch , c1965
25 544 Marxist and utopian socialists : Marx, Engels, Fourier, Owen, Bernstein, Wibb and others / Fred Hahn New York : Monarch Press , c1965
26 545 Voltaire's Candide / Robert Sobel New York : Monarch , c1965
27 546 The philosophy and writings of St. Thomas Aquinas / Gerard J. Dalcourt New York : Monarch Press , c1965
28 553 Cervantes' Don Quixote / Gregor Roy and Ralph Ranald New York : Monarch Press , 1965
29 554 The plays of Anton Chekhov / Jane Wexford New York : Monarch Press , 1965
30 556 Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov / John D. Simons and Ursula Simons New York : Monarch Press , c1965
31 560 Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, and Three tales / Arthur Rozen New York : Monarch , c1965
32 562 The plays of Ibsen : A doll's house, Hedda Gabler, Peer Gynt, The wild duck, and others / Edward T. Byrnes ; edited by Stanley Brodwin New York : Monarch , c1965
33 563 James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man : a critical commentary / Edward A. Kopper, Jr. New York : Monarch Press , c1976
34 565 Niccolo Machiavelli's The prince and The discourses / Robert Sobel New York : Monarch , c1965
35 568 The plays of Moliere / Lawrence H. Klibbe New York : Monarch Press , c1965
36 569 Jean-Paul Sartre's No exit and The flies : and Dirty hands, Nausea, The roads to freedom, Existentialism, Being and nothingness / Leslie Shepard New York : Monarch , c1965
37 571 Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina / Herbert E. Reaske New York : Monarch Press , c1965
38 572 Leo Tolstoy's War and peace / Austin Fowler New York : Monarch Press , 1965
39 601 Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice / William J. Fitzpatrick New York : Monarch , c1964
40 602 Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre / Ruth H. Blackburn New York : Monarch , c1974
41 605 Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim and other works / William Sievert New York : Monarch , c1964
42 608 Charles Dickens' Bleak house / Edward Winans New York : Monarch , c1964
43 612 George Eliot's Silas Marner and Middlemarch / Thomas A. Duff New York : Monarch Press , c1965
44 613 William Faulkner's The sound and the fury and other works : a critical commentary / Samuel Beckoff New York : Monarch Press , c1973
45 614 Henry Fielding's Tom Jones / Grover Cronin New York : Monarch , c1964
46 617 Thomas Hardy's The mayor of Casterbridge / Ken Sobol New York : Monarch , c1964
47 618 Thomas Hardy's The return of the native / Charles L. Leavitt, Emily S. Leavitt New York : Monarch , c1964
48 619 Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles / Robert Ackerman New York : Monarch , c1964
49 620 Nathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet letter, and House of the seven gables, The Blithedale romance, The marble faun / Charles Leavitt New York : Monarch , c1965
50 621 The major works of Ernest Hemingway : a critical commentary / Stanley Cooperman New York : Monarch , c1965
51 623 Herman Melville's Moby Dick / Laurence MacPhee New York : Monarch Press , 1964
52 625 New Testament / Unicio J. Violi New York : Monarch Press , c1964
53 627 The plays of Eugene O'Neill : a critical commentary / David Rogers New York : Monarch , c1965
54 629 Shakespeare selected comedies / Margaret Ranald New York : Monarch Press , c1964
55 630 Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra / William Walsh New York : Monarch Press , c1966
56 631 Shakespeare's As you like it / Rainer Pineas New York : Monarch Press , c1964
57 632 Shakespeare's Julius Caesar / Robert Littman ; edited by Frances Barasch New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
58 633, 634 Shakespeare's Henry IV / Joseph E. Grennen, Frances K. Barasch pt. 1,pt. 2. - New York : Monarch Press , c1964
59 635 Shakespeare's Henry V / Laura Lippman New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
60 637 Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice / Laura Lippman New York : Monarch Press , 1964
61 638 Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream / Eve Leoff New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
62 640 Shakespeare's Othello / William J. Grace New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
63 641 William Shakespeare's Richard II / Mary H. Scanlan New York : Monarch Press , c1964
64 642 Shakespeare's Richard III / F. M. Nugent New York : Monarch Press , c1964
65 643 Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet / Leonard Jenkin New York : Monarch Press , [c1964]
66 644 Shakespeare's The tempest / Ralph A. Ranald New York : Monarch Press , c1964
67 645 Shakespeare's Twelfth night / Sandra Gilbert New York : Monarch Press , c1964
68 646 The Plays of G. B. Shaw / Robert Rockman New York, N.Y. : Monarch Press , c1964
69 647 The major works of John Steinbeck / Stanley Cooperman New York : Monarch , c1964
70 648 Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels / Richard Feingold New York : Monarch , c1964
71 649 Mark Twain's The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and related works / Alexander J. Butrym New York : Monarch Press , 1964
72 653 Shakespeare's The sonnets / Unicio J. Violi New York : Monarch Press , c1965
73 654 Shakespeare's The taming of the shrew / Margaret L. Ranald New York : Monarch Press , c1965
74 657 Pearl Buck's The good earth / Donald Roden New York : Monarch , c1965
75 659 James Fenimore Cooper's The last of the Mohicans / Charles Leavitt New York : Monarch Press , c1965
76 660 Stephen Crane's Red badge of courage / Joseph E. Grennen New York : Monarch Press , c1965
77 662 Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie / Charlotte A. Alexander New York : Monarch , c1965
78 663 The major writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson / Charlotte Alexander New York : Monarch , c1965
79 664 William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! : a critical commentary / Elizabeth Phillips New York : Monarch , c1965
80 665 William Faulkner's As I lay dying ; a critical commentary / Leslie Shepard New York : Monarch , c1965
81 667 F. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby : a critical commentary / Stanley Cooperman New York : Monarch , c1965
82 668 F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the night and This side of paradise : a critical commentary / Stanley Cooperman New York : Monarch Press , c1965
83 670 Nathaniel Hawthorne's The house of the seven gables and The marble faun / Charles Leabitt ; edited by Edward T. Byrnes New York : Monarch , c1965
84 673 Ernest Hemingway's The old man and the sea : a critical commentary / Stanley Cooperman New York : Monarch Press , c1965
85 679 Henry James' The portrait of a lady / Vartkis Kinoian New York : Monarch , c1965
86 680 Henry James' Daisy Miller and The turn of the screw / Vartkis Kinoian New York : Monarch , c1965
87 681 Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird / Donald F. Roden New York : Monarch , c1965
88 683 Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt / Edward Winans New York : Monarch , c1965
89 685 Jack London's the call of the wild and white fang / Donald Roden New York : Monarch Press , c1965
90 686 Herman Melville's Billy Budd / Edward R. Winans and James Paris New York : Monarch Press , c1965
91 687 Arthur Miller's The crucible and A memory of two Mondays, A view from the bridge, After the fall, Incident at Vichy / Joan Thellusson Nourse New York : Monarch , c1965
92 688 Arthur Miller's Death of a salesman and All my sons / Joan Thellusson Nourse New York : Monarch , c1965
93 00689 Tales and poetry of Edgar Allen Poe / David Rogers New York : Monarch Press , c1965
94 691 J. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye : a critical commentary / Charlotte A. Alexander ; edited by Leon Benedict New York : Monarch , c1965
95 692 John Steinbeck's The grapes of wrath / Charlotte Alexander New York : Monarch Press , c1965
96 693 John Steinbeck's Of mice and men / Armand Schwerner New York : Monarch , c1965
97 695 Henry David Thoreau's Walden and On the duty of civil disobedience / Charlotte Alexander New York : Monarch , c1965
98 696 Mark Twain's The adventures of Tom Sawyer / Alexander J. Butrym New York : Monarch , c1965
99 697 Robert Penn Warren's All the king's men / George B. Gerhard New York : Monarch , c1965
100 698 Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome : a critical commentary / Charles Leavitt New York : Monarch , c1965
101 699 Thornton Wilder's Our town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey and other works / Francis R. Gemme New York : Monarch , c1965
102 702 Thomas Wolfe's Look homeward, angel and Of time and the river : a critical commentary / Terence Dewsnap New York : Monarch , c1965
103 704 Jane Austen's Emma and Mansfield park / William J. Fitzpatrick New York : Monarch , c1965
104 705 Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders / David Gooding New York : Monarch Press , c1965
105 711 Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews / Joseph E. Grennen New York : Monarch Press , c1965
106 713 Thomas Hardy's Jude the obscure / Ralph A. Ranald New York : Monarch Press , c1965
107 714 Aldous Huxley Brave new world and Point counter point, After many a summer dies the swan , Eyeless in Gaza / Paul W. Gannon New York : Monarch , c1965
108 716 D. H. Lawrence's Sons and lovers, and The rainbow, Women in love, The plumed serpent / Sandra Gilbert New York : Monarch , c1965
109 717 Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and The jew of Malta, Edward the second, Tamburlaine the great, part I and II / Peter F. Mullany New York : Monarch , c1965
110 719 George Orwell's 1984 / Ralph A. Ranald New York : Monarch , c1965
111 724 George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion / Grace Horowitz Schwartz New York : Monarch , c1965
112 726 Robert Louis Stevenson's treasure island / by Thomas A. Duff ; edited by Austin Fowler New York, N.Y. : Monarch Press , c1965
113 729 The poetry of William Wordsworth / John W. Elliott New York : Monarch , c1965
114 731 The poetry of John Donne and The metaphysical poets / Joseph E. Grennen New York : Monarch , c1965
115 738 The poetry of William Butler Yeats / Sandra Gilbert New York : Monarch , c1965
116 752 Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night : a critical commentary / Paul W. Gannon New York : Monarch , c1965
117 756 Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and other works / Walter James Miller and Bonnie E. Nelson New York : Monarch , c1971
118 757 Albert Camus' The Stranger : a critical commentary / Armand Schwerner New York : Monarch Press , c1970
119 765 The major works of Evelyn Waugh : Brideshead revisited, Decline and fall, A handful of dust, The loved one : a critical commentary / Richard K. Brown New York : Monarch , c1971
120 766 The major works of H. G. Wells : The time machine, The invisible man, The war of the worlds, Tono-Bungay / Randall H. Keenan New York : Monarch Press , c1970
121 775 The poetry of William Blake / Eugenie Harris New York : Monarch Press , c1966
122 778 Samuel T. Coleridge's The Rime of the ancient mariner and Kubla Khan ; Christabel ; Dejection : An Ode / John W. Elliott New York : Monarch , c1965
123 782 T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral and Selected poems : a critical commentary / Paul Gannon ; selected poems by Stephen Levensohn New York : Monarch , c1965
124 785 The poetry of John Keats / Elliot Gilbert New York : Monarch , c1965
125 788 Alexander Pope's The rape of the lock / Gregor Roy New York : Monarch , c1965
126 821 Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe / Thomas A. Duff New York : Monarch , c1966
127 829 The plays of Euripides / William Walter ; revised and edited by Eugenie Harris New York : Monarch Press , c1966
128 838 Graham Greene's The power and the glory and other works : a critical commentary / Gregor Roy New York : Monarch Press , c1966
129 839 Ernest Hemingway's The snows of Kilimanjaro / Austin Fowler New York : Monarch , c1966
130 844 Victor Hugo's Les misérables / Lawrence Klibbe New York : Monarch , c1966
131 846 Henry James' Washington square / Ralph A. Ranald New York : Monarch. - New York : Simon & Schuster [distributor] , c1966
132 856 Sir Thomas More's Utopia / John W. Elliott New York : Monarch , c1966
133 861 Erich Maria Remarque's All quiet on the western front : a critical commentary / John S. White New York : Monarch , c1966
134 866 J. D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey and Nine stories : a critical commentary / Charlotte Alexander New York : Monarch , c1966
135 881 The plays of Oscar Wilde / Grace Horowitz Schwartz New York : Monarch , c1966
136 883 Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and To the lighthouse : a critical commentary / Martin D. Levenson New York : Monarch , c1966
137 903 T. S. Eliot's The waste land : sources and meaning / Margaret C. Weirick New York : Monarch Press , c1971
138 905 Joseph Heller's Catch-22 / Walter James Miller and Bonnie E. Nelson New York : Monarch Press , c1971
139 907 Edward Albee's Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? and other works : a critical commentary / Michael Stugrin New York : Monarch Press , c1972
140 948 Emile Zola's Germinal : a critical commentary / Carolyn Roberts Welch New York : Monarch , c1974
141 964 The Old Testament as living literature / Ruth H. Blackburn New York : Monarch Press , c1964
142 966 Ken Kesey's One flew over the cuckoo's nest : a critical commentary / John Taylor Gatto New York : Monarch , c1975
143 976 Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich : a critical commentary / Albert L. Weeks New York : Monarch , c1976
144 986 Sigmund Freud's The interpretation of dreams, Totem and taboo, Three essays on the theory of sexuality, and other works : a critical commentary / Robert N. Pasotti New York : Monarch , c1977


別書名 異なりアクセスタイトル:Monarch notes and study guides
一般注記 Publisher varies: Barnes & Noble
書誌ID BB71050766
NCID BA04281561