Women's International League for Peace and Freedom


著者の属性 団体
一般注記 Listen to the women for a change, 1981? : t.p. (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom) p. v (WILPF)
NUCMC data from Swarthmore College Peace Collection for Peoples Mandate Committee (U.S.). Records, 1935-1972 (People's Mandate to Governments to End War; international campaign began on Sept. 6, 1935, by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; later became independent but affiliated)
nuc90-53887: Vi minns Signe Höjer, 1988 (hdg. on MnU rept.: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; usage: Internationella kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet; IKFF)
NUCMC data from Swarthmore College Peace Collection for Woman's Peace Party. Collected records, 1914-1920 (Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; earlier name International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace)
LC man. auth. cd. (hdg.: Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; org. by international congress of women held at The Hague 1915; called International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace; Comité international de femmes pour une paix permanente; Internationales Frauenkomitee für Dauernden Frieden; headquarters in Amsterdam; at congress at Zürich, 1919, name was changed to Women's International League for Peace and Freedom with hdq. in Geneva)
Organized 1915
SRC:Report of the Ninth Congress of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom : Luhacovice Czechoslovakia, July 27th to 31st, 1937([Women's International League for Peace and Freedom], [1937])
から見よ参照 Internationale Frauenliga für Frieden und Freiheit
Kvindernes internationale liga for fred og frihed
Ligue internationale de femmes pour la paix et la liberté
Geneva. Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Internationella kvinnoförbundet för fred och frihet
婦人国際平和自由連盟<フジン コクサイ ヘイワ ジユウ レンメイ>
People's Mandate to Governments to End War
International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace
コード類 典拠ID=AU00122756  NCID=DA1113193X
1 世界の食卓とこころ / 婦人国際平和自由連盟日本支部編 東京 : こびあん書房 , 1994.8