Robinson, Daniel N., 1937-


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Heredity and achievement, 1970
EDSRC:Systems of modern psychology : a critical sketch / Daniel N. Robinson(Columbia University Press, 1979)
EDSRC:Religious liberty : essays on First Amendment law / edited by Daniel N. Robinson and Richard Williams (Cambridge University Press, 2016): back cover (Fellow of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford)
EDSRC:The history of evil in the early modern age : 1450-1700 CE / edited by Daniel N. Robinson, Chad Meister, and Charles Taliaferro (Routledge, 2018): p. [i] (Daniel Robinson is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Georgetown University, USA and a Fellow of the Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University, UK.)
生没年等 1937
から見よ参照 ロビンソン, ダニエル N.
コード類 典拠ID=AU00102675  NCID=DA00418966
1 現代心理学の体系 : 批判的スケッチ / D.N.ロビンソン著 ; 大久保幸郎訳 東京 : 誠信書房 , 1983.2