Hopkins, Owen, 1984-


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 Reading architecture, 2012: t.p. (Owen Hopkins) p. 4 of cover (works for the Architecture Programme at the Royal Academy of Arts in London)
Email correspondence from author (Owen Hopkins; b. Dec. 23, 1984)
LA NY : aerial photographs of Los Angeles and New York, 2017: title page (introduction by Owen Hopkins) page 4 of jacket (Owen Hopkins, writer, historian, and curator of architecture is Senior Curator of Exhibitions and Education at Sir John Soane's Museum, London; he has written widely on architecture for various publications and he is the author of five books, the most recent of which is Lost Futures : The Disapearing Architecture of Post-War)
SRC:名建築の歴史図鑑 / オーウェン・ホプキンス著 ; 百合田香織訳(エクスナレッジ, 2018.2)
生没年等 1984
から見よ参照 ホプキンス, オーウェン<ホプキンス, オーウェン>
コード類 典拠ID=AU00102064  NCID=DA19088084
1 世界の名建築解剖図鑑 / オーウェン・ホプキンス著 ; 小室沙織訳 : 新装版. - 東京 : エクスナレッジ , 2021.7