Times Books (Firm)


著者の属性 団体
一般注記 Not same as Times Books International
The Book of executive health, c1981 (a.e.) t.p. (Times Books)
Cassell & Pub. Assn. Dir. of pub., 1979 (Times Books, London)
Int. lit. marketplace, 1980 (Times Books Ltd)
Booksellers Assn of Gr. Brit. & Ire. Dir. of Brit. publishers, 1979 (Times Books Ltd; parent company, Times Newspapers Ltd)
35 years of NATO, 1985: CIP t.p. (Times Books Limited)
世界全地図 ,1992: 奥付 (タイムズ社)
EDSRC:"The Times" atlas, containing 117 pages of maps, and comprising 173 maps and an alphabetical index to 130,000 names(Yushodo Fantas Corp., 1997)
から見よ参照 Times Newspapers Limited. Times Books
Times Books Ltd
Times Books Limited
コード類 典拠ID=AU00000982  NCID=DA00045960
1 The Times comprehensive atlas of the world = タイムズ世界地図帳 : uk,: Japan. - 11th ed. - London : Times Books , 2003. - Tokyo : Yushodo [distributor] , 2003
2 The Times concise atlas of the world 8th ed.. - London : Times Books , 2000
3 The Times comprehensive atlas of the world 10th ed. - London : Times Books , 1999
4 第二次世界大戦歴史地図 / ジョン・キーガン編 ; 滝田毅 [ほか] 訳 東京 : 原書房 , 1994.10
5 世界全地図 : ライブアトラス / 梅棹忠夫, 前島郁雄監修 東京 : 講談社 , 1992.11
6 The Times atlas of the world Comprehensive ed., 8th ed. - London : Times Books in collaboration with Bartholomew , 1990
7 The Times atlas of the world / Times Books in collaboration with John Bartholomew & Son Limited : uk,: us. - 7th comprehensive ed. - London : Times Books , 1985